Monday, October 13, 2008

Long have I thought about writing what I feel and believe but never really got down to doing it for some reason or the other. I guess there comes a time when one is unable to control the dictates of one's own mind and here I am attempting to reach out to some like minded or even unlike minded folks in this world.
Having suffered the agony of the school system and being labelled a problem child I decided to change the way we teach and learn in our schools. It has taken me 16 odd years to study the system, understand it and develop my own perceptions, ideas and beliefs about what we should do instead of what we have been doing all these years.
I for one have never been able to comprehend what do our schools actually try and do.
Are we teaching kids or educating them? There is a difference between the two!!!!
Why do we only teach our kids to reply and not question?
Kids who question the system are easily labelled problem kids!!!!
What is the use of teachers if we promote dependance?
Why are schools designed to be systemcentric and not childcentric? If schools are meant for kids why is that their wellbeing and interest are not of paramount concern in the entire system.
Why do we treat our children as commodities on a production line so much so that the development and open ended use of acquired skills takes a backseat and the curriculum assumes greater significance?.
Why do we insist on packaging instruction with curriculum?
Why do we insist on teachers having a degree so as to render them "qualified" to teach?
Why do we not test and train our teachers from time to time?
Why is there an absolute mismatch between teacher skills and comptencies and current day realities?
Why is there a mismatch between curricular content and skills as needed to succeed in the world?
Why does there have to be a rigid heirarchy in schools that children must obey at all times?
Why do we assume that kids need to be under the watchful eye of the "Big Brother" at all times.? CCTV monitoring of classrooms is the latest such fad going around in schools these days!!
Why do we not take time to observe and comprehend the subtle messages that children keep giving us on a daily basis?
Why are we afraid of children asking us too many questions and why do we fear answering those questions in all honesty?
Why can't we empathise more with our kids?
In short why don't take our kids a little more seriously?
Meanwhile think and do something about the situation.
To call it a day I am just penning down some thoughts as they occur
Moving beside a silt ridden river, 
the mind hides 
A criminal afraid 
Boring lectures 
inside dull hollow minds. 
Young hungry mouths 
trying hard to satiate 
their hunger for knowledge.
Schools and Tutors 
 customised packages 
designed to please,
Batches will be serviced by the hour, 
One on one will cost more. 
Satisfaction guaranteed, 
Come one, come all. 
Welcome to the wonderful world
 of crassly 
Ladies and Gentlemen, 
Please make way 
for contemporary schools
 marketing their goods 
 aggressively yet persuasively
education and children
lie gasping for breath
to somehow survive
in the
mad melee
called school.
It's time for a change............... Let us all be a part of it.


Beneath the Green Miles said...

Bang on!!!A complete anatomy of the crisis we have all (speaking strictly for a minority) endured and are still living with!!!!keep writing!!!there is a whole lot here waiting for those words!!!

SimpliStix said...

Great Writeup and thanks for putting a highlight on a matter which is need of the present and future. Hope it can help others in the teaching line.

Anonymous said...

its not important where u reach....
whats important is that u made a beginning........
thanks for taking the time to stop and look around coz most of the time we run so fast that we donot have time to look,think or just give a glimpse.
studies themselves need to be studied ..
education be educated.
schools need more schooling.
let the young like u take the baton for a better world.
thank u sooooooooooooooo much